Empower Women at Risk

Help a Woman Start a Small Business

Give a woman the training and equipment—such as a sewing machine—to start her own business and break free from poverty.

Job Skills Training for 1 Woman

080401 - Women's Projects

Knowing a skill or trade can provide a woman with income, dignity and hope.

Suggested Gift: $150.00

Small Business Start-Up Kit

080401 - Women's Projects

Give a woman a hand up, through an opportunity to launch her own business.

Suggested Gift: $350.00

Provide Protection and Healing from Exploitation

Come alongside a woman at risk of exploitation and abuse. Give her training and support to stay free from human traffickers as she migrates in search of a better future, or provide a victim of exploitation with a safe place where she can heal, recover, and start life anew.

Human Trafficking Protection for 1 Woman

080669 - Alleviating Violence, Exploitation, and Risk

Provide safe migration training and resources—such as food, water, and medical care—to help a woman stay safe while traveling through human trafficking hot spots around the world.

Suggested Gift: $100.00

Share in the Cost of Safe Housing for a Year for 1 Young Mom

080401 - Women's Projects

Provide desperately needed safe housing for one woman, helping her escape the streets.

Suggested Gift: $50.00

Safe Housing for a Year for 1 Young Mom

080401 - Women's Projects

Provide a safe haven for a young mother fleeing violence, trafficking, or poverty.

Suggested Gift: $500.00

Remove Barriers

Help break down walls that stand between young women and their access to education by providing menstrual hygiene supplies and awareness needed to attend school confidently. You can open doors for them to learn to read, write, and have hope for a better future.

Hygiene Supplies and Education for 1 Girl

080401 - Women's Projects

Help a girl stay in school during her period and realize her full potential.

Suggested Gift: $30.00

Literacy Training for 1 Woman

080401 - Women's Projects

The ability to read opens doors to information and opportunities that bless entire families.

Suggested Gift: $100.00

"Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts."

– Romans 5:5