Protect Vulnerable Children

Nourish a Hungry Child

You can help put healthy food in the hands of little ones who are desperately hungry. Some need a nutritional boost to get them on the right track—others need help to simply survive.

Nutrition Education and Help for 1 Mom and Child

013386 - Food for Children

When nutritious food is in short supply, give a mom training and nutritional support to keep her child healthy and growing, even in desperate circumstances.

Suggested Gift: $30.00

High Calorie Food Packets to Strengthen a Malnourished Child

013386 - Food for Children

Give a life-saving gift to nourish a child in need for one month.

Suggested Gift: $60.00

Open Doors to Education

Help give a child in need the opportunity to learn, along with supplies—such as textbooks and uniforms—to attend school and look forward to a better future.

School Supplies for 1 Child

013700 - Children's Education Projects

Provide the required notebooks, pencils, and other supplies for a child to attend school.

Suggested Gift: $25.00

School for a Year for 1 Child

013700 - Children's Education Projects

A year's education can dramatically improve future prospects for a child in need. (Includes items such as fees, supplies, transportation, and teacher training)

Suggested Gift: $250.00

Protect Vulnerable Children

The world can be a scary place for a child caught in abuse or war. You can touch his or her life by providing protection, comfort, and healing, and by safeguarding other children from experiencing the same violence or exploitation.


A perfect gift for your teacher!

Help 1 Child Overcome the Trauma of Violence or War

013508 - Exploited Children

Your gift provides care for a child through trauma-healing programs that help them overcome the horrors of violence and war.

Suggested Gift: $100.00

Train 1 Community to Protect Children from Abuse and Human Trafficking

013508 - Exploited Children

Help protect children from exploitation and trafficking through community awareness training, equipping individuals to care for their most vulnerable.

Suggested Gift: $750.00

Children Online Exclusives

Don't miss out on our online exclusives!

Art Supplies

013658 - Recreational Items

For boys and girls traumatized by war, therapeutic art can help them begin to smile again.

Suggested Gift: $25.00

Children Gifts Kids Can Give

For less than $25, you can give a gift that will bring hope and spread the Good News of the Gospel.

Sports Equipment

013658 - Recreational Items

Give children sports gear and recreational equipment to help strengthen early childhood development.

Suggested Gift: $25.00

"I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you."

– John 14:18