1 Hand-Washing Station for a School

Suggested Gift: $100.00

080605 - Samaritan Water Filters

Safe water and hygiene are vital for students. You can help them stay healthy, not miss school, and dream for the future by protecting them from waterborne and infectious diseases.

 Create Access to Safe Water

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Hygiene Supplies and Education for 1 Girl

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Help a girl stay in school during her period and realize her full potential.

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Shoebox Gift for a Child

080590 - OCC Online Shoebox Gifts

Give a shoebox filled with school supplies, hygiene items, toys, and a T-shirt.

Suggested Gift: $44.00

1 Water Filter for a Family

080190 - Water Projects

Free a family from constant sickness by giving safe water through a life-saving household water filter.

Suggested Gift: $175.00